1. Praying the first ten of the Rosary’ prayer daily by students and pupils
2. Change the main intention of the prayer every month

School’s catechist establishes and controls the community of the followers. The catechist voluntarily accepts the above mentioned form of evangelical work amongst students.

The proposed actions to be taken by catechist:

1) to inspire  students to pray the Rosary. It is suggested that the CD’s content should be taken into consideration.
Listen to the CD "The Rosary, our defensive rampart."

2) to establish a list of participants in each class and add their names to the appropriate list. Have a look at ”Registrations to Szar”
The army of the school is created from a small number of  students, which turns into an army of the parish, deanery or diocese.

3) to develop a daily habit of praying first ten prayers of the Rosary in order to grow spiritually in  the community and join the prayer of meditation on the mysteries of the Rosary. Such a habit can start for example from 3 – 5” Hail Mary’s” and gradually increase to  full prayer.
Students pray especially at home, at any time, either individually or with others, such as: a sister, parents, etc.
Rosary’s prayer can be part of other prayers which take place for instance in the classroom during the lessons of catechism, in after-school meetings, etc.
Every Wednesday, all members of “Szar”, if possible, start their prayer at 20.00 Hrs  or at 21.00 Hrs (optional)
It may be called” a communal five minutes of prayer for the Virgin Mary”. In smaller schools we come across a different solution,  catechists  meet their students during  long breaks in order to pray the first ten prayers of the Rosary.

4) At the beginning of each month, catechists together with the students establish the main intention of the prayer for the month. You can take advantage of our study: " Intentions of the prayers for the members of Szar", look up " Publishing Materials."

5)  "Animator" can be selected from pupils’ or students’ community interested in following the idea of “Szar” to represent the movement (" the commander" of the army). His tasks: communication between members of “Szar” and the catechists, encouraging students to pray, introducing proposals for actions.

6) When notification has been received,  CK enters students name to national ( polish) "Book of the School's Rosary's followers" where each student has a specific entry number.



7)  CK has designed “ ID card for Szar’s member." Every catechist should be able to print  such an Identity card in school’s environment, and possibly fill them in and hand to students. If it is not possible to print Identity cards at school  then contact us –CK, which should be able to send you ID cards from our own resources. Print, have a look at:”  Publishing Materials”

8) The Catechetical work highlights the importance of Our Lady of the Rosary, which is to be celebrated October 7th. This day is also regarded as the Szar festival. In consultation with the pastor of the parish, there can be organized the participation of the members of the School’s Army of the Rosary  in the Mass or other meeting.
Catechesis Center invites you to participation in the ceremony of the annual conference of Szar , which summarizes the work of the preceding school year.

9) In case a student is transferred  to a new school,  a new enrollment procedure is not carried out, but the one from the previous school is taken into consideration . Therefore a number of entry to the "Book of the School’s Rosary’s followers" and "Szar’s Identity card." are up to date ( the same).
At a new school, a number of existing community increases since new Szar’s followers arrive what creates  new spiritual relationships while controlled by the catechist.

10) In a situation when a student is transferred to a school where there is no Szar, the student is to pray alone, to remain in prayer with the community’s website.

11) Szar is a kind of " communal subject" of the given catechist, which aims to strengthen the relationship with God and increase the educational impact of school for students.
A variety of activities undertaken by catechists create new opportunities for teaching and educating, they promote the development of the Rosary’s movement. They also create additional arguments which help in gaining professional advancements by teachers: appointment, diploma etc. The Catechesis Center issues  formal certificates, diplomas, etc. for catechists

12) Some catechists extend the basic principles of Szar’s regulations by adding their own ideas. We present an example of one of the school’s program on our website. Have a look at  “Publishing Materials"

Proposals of activities for "INDIVIDUAL" students, from schools where “Szar” does not function.

13) Students who attend a school where Szar is not recognised , they can individually become members of Szar via the Internet. See: "Registrations to Szar" (Individual registrations).

14) Individual students choose the main intention of the prayer for the month. Since there does not exist class or school community, they have to discipline themselves and connect with the community through the website.
They can benefit from our study: "Prayer’s intentions for the members of Szar", Have a look at “Publishing Materials”

15) If a student studies at a new school, he or she should become a member of Szar at his or hers new school, if the movement exists there. Under the circumstances  the same "Szar’s member ID card"  and the entry  number to the "Book of the School’s Rosary’s followers"are valid.
If there is no Szar at a new school, one should pray individually, remaining in communication with the community through website.

16) Every Wednesday, all members” Szar”, if possible, start praying at 20.00 Hrs or at 21.00 Hrs (optional). It is called 5 minutes of prayer for Mary.

17) Upon receipt of the relevant data from  'individual' students, the Centre of Catechesis enters the details about the student to the national "Book of School’s  Rosary’s followers" with a specific number for each entry.

18 There have been designed “Szar’s member ID card” for individual pupils, students by the Centre of Catechesis.
Print – have a look at " Publishing Materials."
Our goal is to reach every catechist with this information. We invite everyone to work together. Is it not  great  that the army fights with evil nowadays and instead of guns, tanks, aircrafts or missiles they are using ordinary Rosary’s beads helping  Mary to save the world? Let’s answer the call of Mary from Fatima:
"Pray the Rosary every day"