for the youngest

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We welcome you cordially to our website

We wish the rays of glory of the Risen Christ, through Virgin Mary, were constantly reaching  the hearts of young students, families, places of amusement and wherever you are staying.

Let the blessed Pope John Paul II reinforce everyone with the Rosary’s prayer.

"Holy Spirit inspire us,
God’s love absorb us,
Show us the right path and lead us.
Mother Mary look at us,
Bless us with Jesus. "

We wish you God's light, pleasant spiritual experiences and specific” yes” decisions to the  Rosary’s prayer
We have been operating since September I999. Our goal is to spread  the Rosary’s prayer amongst children and teenagers. We aim to achieve our goal through the catechetical work.

Regulations of “ Szar”
1) praying 1st ten Rosary’s prayers daily by pupils and students,
2) change the main prayer’s intentions every month.

There are two lines of actions carried out:
1) Catechists inspire the need of praying the1st ten Rosary’s prayers daily amongst students at schools where religion is thought. In this way, the School’s Rosary’s Army is created.
2) Students individually show interest in entering “Szar”. This happens at schools where catechists do not show interests in proposed by us Rosary’s prayers . In this case, the students have to discipline and strengthen themselves to become followers of our movement.
They realize their inner belief about the need to pray the Rosary with others via Internet.
You will find supplementary information regarding rules by looking up “Regulations”


We encourage students, catechists, pastors, teachers and school directors to work together to support the Rosary’s School. Every effort, even the smallest one will not remain fruitless. The importance of it is testified in writing by the world’s well known promoter of Rosary’s prayer amongst young people - s. Emmanuel Maillard from France.

" We were invited to a school built on the sea shore, in the south part of the country, in the state of Kerala in India during the mission last year. There, we shared the messages from Medjugorje with the students. The nuns, who were running the school, confided to us with joy:

"Here we pray every day with the students." Imagine my surprise! What French school would do that? Then the nun took us to the terrace of the school and said:

"Look to the left and to the right! It was  despair: the beach ravaged by tsunami that struck the region. Then she said to us: "Look, the school was not moved, remained untouched! When we were hit by tsunami, the water stopped at the first step of the entrance to  school” And with   so pure heart’s moving smile the nun added:
"Because, my sister, we pray Rosary’s prayer together everyday here , we were protected by Mother of God!"

Let’s protect our schools from spiritual and natural tsunamis’ , these are not missing in our country. Starting school’s Rosary’s prayer even  2-3 people per school will set a good example to others.

We forward a question  to all readers of our website:
What is your opinion?
If you hesitate in making your decision about joining the proposed forms of Rosary’s prayer, then analyze the following words:

Virgin Mary - Fatima
"I came to earth to admonish mankind to sin no more. You have seen hell where sinners go. God wants to save them. Let people pray Rosary’s prayers”.

Virgin Mary - Medjugorje
Encourage youngsters to pray and to attend the holy mass. Tell the young people not to abandon the true path. All your prayers make me feel  very emotional, especially your daily Rosary’s prayer.

God’s Son fights for each of you but Satan fights also. Have the Rosary in your hand. For Satan it is a sign that you belong to me. The Rosary is not to be a  decorative ornament of your homes, although many people regard it as such. I urge you to pray the Rosary and to introduce it to others.

Father Pio
If 5 million children prayed the Rosary, the world would be saved.

Lucia of Fatima
There is no problem in life, that would not be solved with the help of the Rosary’s prayer.

S. B. Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski
There is a great picture in Vatican, in the Sistine Chapel  ... The powerful Spirit of God bears a man holding onto the Rosary from the abyss.

Maria Simma
In general there are a lot of souls in purgatory, there is a constant movement of incoming and outgoing ones. Thanks to the Rosary’s prayers, everyday many souls are being saved, which would have to suffer for many years otherwise..

Joanna 14 years (from”Szar”)
I pray at any time and anywhere, whenever I feel the need to "talk" to God.
I also pray every night, in front of the image of  Virgin Mary and my Guardian Angel. I entrust God to my worries, small and big fortunes, requests and I thank Him for what he bestows me each day. Firstly, I pray “ Our Father”,” Hail Mary”,” 10 Commandments” and the” Apostles' Creed”,” Angel of God” and the first ten prayers of the Rosary.
Then I talk to God using my  own words. I pray for my private intentions, for the whole world and for the nation. I wish to express my gratitude in the prayers for the favours given to me.

For those who do not believe that "something will turn out" when one devotes oneself to the Rosary’s prayers  we offer beneficial  proposal, which aims to win even the souls made of "concrete"  for the Rosary.

Catechists begin their lessons of catechesis with various prayers. We mainly offer:

The first ten prayers of the Rosary in the classroom at the beginning of each catechesis throughout the school year.

We have a lot of positive experiences as far as this subject is concerned:
1st This form of prayer allows students to forget quickly about the activities which took part during the breaks .It  stimulates spiritually, mentally and disciplines organizationally in the newly starting lessons.
2nd It allows you to develop a serious attitude towards prayer. Every” Hail Mary” .divided into half and  recited  individually by students becomes small and sometimes  great proof of faith of the students in front of other school friends.
3rd It is the best way to fulfill the call of Virgin Mary of Fatima: "Pray the Rosary’s prayers every day."

We propose to use our CD "The Rosary, our defensive rampart." You'll find there a lot of motivation to pray the Rosary. See the CD "The Rosary, our defensive rampart."

Have you decided?
If so, look up there .Virgin Mary with the whole sky smiles at you for deciding so. Invite others to meetings with the Virgin Mary over the Internet.
• Invite your friends and colleagues. In fact, it's you by setting a good example and making suggestions, you can do lots of good for the Virgin Mary.
• If you have a little sister or a brother who attend nursery school, then tell them that their names also have the right to be found on the  list of the Rosary’s Army School website, provided that they pray everyday:

3” Hail Mary”


5” Hail Mary”

If they attend primary school, then certainly they should be able to recite the entire Rosary once a day.
At such an  age it is the best to ask for help mom, dad, grandma etc .when one is learning to pray.
Try to spend less time on watching fairy tales, movies, games, etc. The saved time devote to
the Virgin Mary.


We invite students and adults from across Poland and the world,
Let the Virgin Mary through our prayer, get rid of all evil.
May her heart light with faith,
that we want to make a sacrifice of our lives to God.

The School Army of the Rosary is the formation approved by the Magisterium of the Church of the Diocese of Zamosc -Lubaczów.
We have 11 years of experience as far as diocesan level is concerned and this entitles us to joined invitation to action according to our program.

• pupils across Poland,
• students around the world

Catechetical Center
Tomaszów Lubelski
Diocese of Zamojsko-lubaczowska

We complete the presentation of the "Main Page" with the song "I'm your soldier Virgin Mary", which is a musical entry to our movement and an additional invitation to the Rosary. Look up: "Listen to the song".